Lt Clarke depicted on the cover of Harper's Weekly rescuing Corporal Scott

In his book, Voices of the Buffalo Soldier, author Frank N. Schubert cited the fact that Lieutenant Powhattan H. Clarke referred to troopers of the 10th Cavalry Regiment under his command as "nigs," "darkies," and "Chasseurs d'Afrique. However, at the same time Lieutenant Clarke had great respect for these Negro soldiers. He respected their courage, dedication and valor. In fact Lieutenant Clarke risked his life to save the life of a wounded Buffalo Soldier, Corporal Edward Scott. Under withering Apache gunfire, Lieutenant Clarke rescued the severely wounded Corporal Scott. For his gallantry, Lieutenant Clarke was awarded the Medal of Honor. Below is a letter from Lieutenant Clarke to his mother. This letter is contained in the Clarke papers maintained by the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, MO. The action resulting in the heroic actions of Lt. Powhattan took place on May 3, 1886 in the Pinto Mountains of Mexico with Troop K of the 10th Cavalry under the command of Captain Thomas C. Lebo while in pursuit of Geronimo. The letter was written from the Camp of Troop "K" 10th Cavalry, May 10th, 1886:
My dear Mother...Our troop has been very highly complimented and the Captain is the hero of the hour. Do not tell me about the colored troops there is not a troop in the U.S. Army that I would trust my life to as quickly as this K troop of ours. I have seen them only once but it was in a place where a stampede would have meant massacre. The firing was at 200 yards from rocks nearly over our heads. No men could have been more determined and cooler than these same darkies were and as for their officers they like them and will risk themselves for them. The wounded Corporal has had to have his leg cut off, the ball that shattered it lodging in the other instep. This man rode seven miles without a groan, remarking to the Captin that he had seen forty men in one fight in a worse fix than he was. Such have I found the colored soldier." Corporal Edward Scott below