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2011 National Memorial Day Parade
Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC
May 30, 2011
 Our starting position at 7th and Jefferson Avenune, NW
Troopers Campbell, Hill, Crawford and Womack with our convoy Humvee driver Mrs. Lisa Plaisance
and on the right, our ride, a former U.S. Air Force Deuce and a Half
On the left Dr. Dan Meagher, Mason and Ethan Meagher and Randy Plaisance, and on the right a U.S. Colored Troop re-enactor
On the left Buffalo Soldiers's friend Ms. Jean Davis of the Pentagon and on the right the viewing stand coming up
On the left the Plaisance Family Humvee part of our convoy and on the right Trooper Womack passing the Washington Monument
On left a visiting Korean tourists joins us for a photo and on the right the Plymouth, Indiana High School marching band
On left two active duty Armored Cavalry troopers and a visiting tourist and on far right at the end of the line is
Dr. Sean Plaisance, our Deuce and a Half driver
Yes, it was 98 degrees at parade time
On the left Trooper Hill, Mr. Eoin O'Driscoll, visiting from Dublin, Ireland,
Trooper Crawford and Roxanne Mauck of Fredericksburg, Virginia
On left Cate and Randy Plaisance and on the right Dr. Dan Meagher
On the left Randy and Cate Plaisance with Command Sergeant Major Curtis D. Womack (ret) and
on the right, did we mention it was 98 degrees in the shade?