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2015 National Memorial Day Parade
Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC
May 25, 2015
Troopers pass reviewing stand Memorial Day Video 1
7th and Jefferson Drive awaiting parade start Memorial Day Video 2
Turning corner at parade start, 7th and Constitution Avenue Memorial Day Video 3
The 2 1/2 ton U.S. Army truck that transported Troopers Crawford and Hill is owned
and operated by Dr. Paul Ciminera, a Veterans Administration physician and a U.S. Army veteran.

Dr. Ciminera and his son pose with Troopers Hill and Crawford and a Civil War Re-Enactor.
(left photo) Trooper Hill with a Civil War re-enactor, portraying a U.S. Colored Trooper
(right photo) Barrinton Baynes, U.S. Army active duty, and his son with Troopers Crawford and Hill
(right photo) Trooper Crawford with veterans of the Norwegian Army and Navy
(left photo) The Union Army Re-Enactor in the center is James Standard. On May 17, 2015,
as Captain Standard, U.S. Colored Troops Officer, Captain Standard led 16 Troopers
of the U.S. Colored Cavalry as we re-enacted the 150th Anniversary of the Grand Review
U.S. Marine Corps veterans of Beirut
(left photo) 7th Street between Jefferson and Madison
on the Mall awaiting the signal to advance
(left photo) Trooper Hank Bellenger of the Baltimore Chapter of our Association

7th and Constitution Avenue, we are on the parade route
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