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Army Heritage Education Center
Army Heritage Trail
950 Soldiers Drive
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
May 20-22, 2011
 Map with locations of re-enactment groups noted
 Troopers Womack, Crawford and Campbell on station
(Trooper Campbell outfitted as a Negro Seminole Indian Scout)
The Troopers are exhausted but the tent has been raised
Pennsylvania State Senator Patricia H. Vance and Jack Giblin, Event Coordinator and USAHEC Director, Visitor and Education Services
and on right Mr. Bryan P. Atherton of the JLG Corporation
USAHEC Director Lieutenant Colonel Mark Viney, a former Armored Cavalry Officer with Troopers Crawford and Campbell
USAHEC Administrative AssistantTommy Shird with Troopers Womack, Crawford and Campbell
On left World War I Salvation Army nurses Kara Bertoles and Danielle Butler and on right Trooper Womack being served freshly made donuts
On left Major Jonathan Letterman, Union Surgeon and a Union Army General and on the right Trooper Crawford with three U.S. Colored Troops Infantrymen
On left an SFC Grant of the USAHEC and on right two Union Army soldiers
On left two World War I doughboys flank three World War II MPs and on right a young admirer of the Buffalo Soldiers
On left a Delaware Indian from the French and Indian Wars
On right the Toner Family from Dillsburg, Pennsylvania
On left Trooper Crawford with Lisa Lambert of Knightingales Rest Crafts and her Civil War department store and on right
Trooper Campbell with three Union Army Generals
On left re-enactor David Wayne Shuey as Colonel John S. Mosby of Mosby's Raiders, Confederate Army and on right retired Army Colonel
Carter Bertone as an officer of the French Army, WWI.
On right the Smahi Family
On left Union Army troops drilling and on right Confederate Army troops drilling
On left retired U.S. Army SFC Jim Friday as Heinrich Schläger,
Gren. Regt. 31 and on right Lieutenant Colonel Horace Porter. He reached the rank
of Brigadier General and later became Ambassador to France
On left, young Vermont National Guard soldier who returned just days before from Afghanistan
On left General James B. McPherson. He was killed at the Battle of Atlanta, the second highest ranking Union officer
killed during the war and the only commander of a Union army to die in the field and on right 1st Virginia Cavalry, Confederate Army
On left, World War I trench, French Officer of the 157th (Red Hand) Division and an American Sergeant and on the right a
World War II soldier of the 101st Airborne Division
On right, 1Lt King, Vietnam Aide Station Nurse
On left the 7th Cavalry clothing a bit much for a young trooper and on right Trooper Crawford left in charge of the 7th Cavalry hooch by Captain Foreso
On left Mr. Steve Braun, Columbia, Maryland school teacher with family
On right a soldier of the World War I French Army standing in front of a World War II Tank Destroyer with a 76 mm gun
On left, Trooper Womack "talking the talk" with two active duty 82nd Airborne Sergeants
On right, all that remains of the Old Glory carried by Sergeant William Harvey Carney during the
July 18, 1863, assault on Fort Wagner in Charleston, South Carolina by the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, on display at the USAHEC.
Sergeant Carney was the first African American whose valor merited the award of the Medal of Honor
We are having way too much fun